
最近做ElasticSearch索引的优化, 发现一篇好文. 转载于此, 有空再翻译.

原文地址: Elasticsearch Indexing Performance Cheatsheet

You plan to index large amounts of data in Elasticsearch? Or you are already trying to do so but it turns out that throughput is too low? Here is a collection of tips and ideas to increase indexing throughput with Elasticsearch. Some of them I have successfully tried myself, others I have only read about and found them reasonable. In any case, I hope you will find them useful.

In order to fit all this into a single article, I have kept the suggestions rather brief. For some of them, you may feel that you need to learn more before putting them into practice. To ease your task a little, I have included links to the relevant sections of the Elasticsearch documentation which you may use as a starting point for further research.

General Performance

Before doing anything more specific, it makes sense to follow the advice given in the Elasticsearch documentation on configuration. In a nutshell:


If your search requirements allow it, there is some room for optimization in the mapping definition of your index:

Requests and Clients

You can also gain a lot from optimizing the way in which you transfer indexing requests to Elasticsearch:

Sharding and Replication

Elasticsearch provides sharding and replication as the recommended way for scaling and increasing availability of an index. There are a few things to consider:

Index Settings

There are several index level settings that you may tune to improve indexing throughput:


I hope some of these suggestions will help you resolve any indexing performance problems you might have. Keep in mind, however, that the most important aspect of a search engine is, well, the search. Do not make the mistake of tuning your search engine to maximum indexing throughput only to discover that out of a sudden its query performance suffers or it does not fulfill the functional requirements anymore. Always make sure that your users get a quality search experience and really find what they are looking for.